Uses of Class

Packages that use Component

Uses of Component in portal.comp

Subclasses of Component in portal.comp
 class AbstractButton
 class ActionLink
 class Button
 class CheckBox
 class ComponentDelegator
 class DateSelector
 class FileUpload
 class Image
 class Label
 class PanelDelegator
 class PasswordInput
 class RadioButton
 class TextArea
 class TextInput

Methods in portal.comp that return Component
protected  Component ComponentDelegator.getComponent()

Constructors in portal.comp with parameters of type Component
ComponentDelegator(Component component)

Uses of Component in portal.comp.desktop

Subclasses of Component in portal.comp.desktop
 class Desktop
 class Dialog
 class Frame
 class RootWindow
 class Window

Constructors in portal.comp.desktop with parameters of type Component
Dialog(Component parent)

Uses of Component in portal.comp.form

Subclasses of Component in portal.comp.form
 class FormElement

Uses of Component in portal.comp.list

Subclasses of Component in portal.comp.list
 class ComboBox
 class ListBox

Uses of Component in portal.comp.system

Subclasses of Component in portal.comp.system
 class MemoryInfo

Uses of Component in portal.comp.tabbed

Subclasses of Component in portal.comp.tabbed
 class TabbedPane

Methods in portal.comp.tabbed that return Component
 Component InternalTab.getComponent()
 Component SimpleTab.getComponent()
 Component Tab.getComponent()

Methods in portal.comp.tabbed with parameters of type Component
 Tab TabbedPane.add(java.lang.String title, Component component)

Constructors in portal.comp.tabbed with parameters of type Component
SimpleTab(java.lang.String title, Component component)

Uses of Component in portal.comp.tree

Subclasses of Component in portal.comp.tree
 class Tree

Uses of Component in portal.comp.wizard

Subclasses of Component in portal.comp.wizard
 class Wizard

Methods in portal.comp.wizard that return Component
 Component WizardPage.getComponent()

Uses of Component in portal.core.api

Subclasses of Component in portal.core.api
 class Block
 class Container
          This is the base class for all components that can contain a list of children.
 class Panel
 class ProxyComponent

Methods in portal.core.api that return Component
 Component LockedDesktop.getRootComponent()
 Component ApplicationDesktop.getRootComponent()
 Component ErrorDesktop.getRootComponent()
 Component ProxyComponent.getComponent()
 Component SystemChildDesktop.getRootComponent()
 Component SystemDesktop.getRootComponent()
 Component Component.getParent()
          Returns the current parent or null if there is no parent.
 Component LoginDesktop.getRootComponent()
 Component PortalSession.getComponent()
 Component Container.getComponent(int index)
          Return the child component at the given index.
 Component Container.getComponent(java.lang.Object constraint)
          Search for the first component in this container that uses the given constraint.

Methods in portal.core.api with parameters of type Component
 void ProxyComponent.setComponent(Component newComponent)
 void Component.setParent(Component parent)
          Sets a new parent.
 void Container.add(Component component)
          Add a new child component to this container with no constraint.
 void Container.add(Component component, java.lang.Object constraint)
          Add a new child component to this container with the given constraint.
 void Container.add(int index, Component component, java.lang.Object constraint)
          Add a new child component to this container with the given constraint and at the given index.
 void Container.remove(Component component)
          Remove the given child component from this container if present.

Constructors in portal.core.api with parameters of type Component
Block(java.lang.String blockType, java.lang.String style, Component child)

Uses of Component in portal.core.debug

Methods in portal.core.debug with parameters of type Component
static void DebugUtils.dumpComponentStack(Component comp)

Uses of Component in portal.core.login

Methods in portal.core.login that return Component
 Component LoginClient.getComponent()
          Retrieves the top level component representing the user interface of this login client.

Uses of Component in portal.core.login.simple

Subclasses of Component in portal.core.login.simple
 class SimpleLoginUI

Methods in portal.core.login.simple that return Component
 Component SimpleLoginClient.getComponent()

Uses of Component in portal.core.render

Methods in portal.core.render that return Component
 Component RenderContext.getComponent()
 Component IVelocityPageContext.getComponent()
          Retrieve the component being rendered with tis velocity template.
 Component RootRenderContext.getComponent()
 Component HtmlGraphics.getComponent()
 Component JspRenderContext.getComponent()
 Component SimpleRenderContext.getComponent()
 Component VelocityRenderContext.getComponent()

Methods in portal.core.render with parameters of type Component
 void RenderContext.include(RenderContext initiator, Component component)
 void JspLayout.doLayout(Component target, RenderContext renderContext)
 void RootRenderContext.include(RenderContext initiator, Component childComponent)
 void LayoutManager.doLayout(Component target, RenderContext renderContext)
 void HtmlGraphics.includeComponent(Component component)
 void VelocityLayout.doLayout(Component target, RenderContext renderContext)
 void JspRenderContext.include(RenderContext initiator, Component childComponent)
 void AbstractContainerLayout.doLayout(Component target, RenderContext renderContext)
 void SimpleRenderContext.include(RenderContext initiator, Component childComponent)
 void VelocityRenderContext.include(RenderContext initiator, Component childComponent)

Constructors in portal.core.render with parameters of type Component
RootRenderContext(Component component, IHttpProcessContext processContext)
JspRenderContext(Component component, PageContext pageContext)
SimpleRenderContext(Component component, RenderContext parentRenderContext)
VelocityRenderContext(Component component, RenderContext parentRenderContext)

Uses of Component in portal.core.tag

Methods in portal.core.tag with parameters of type Component
static void TagUtils.includeComponent(PageContext pageContext, Component component)
abstract  int HtmlElementTag.renderElement(RenderContext renderContext, Component cmp)